Additional Associate Degrees

A second major is defined as a program of study identified by its own unique title as it appears on the credential, a title different from that of the first major. Students can have only two majors at one time. To declare a second major, the student must submit a dual major request and have successfully completed one semester of coursework.  

Students may earn additional associate degrees either by concurrent completion of the requirements of the several degrees or by subsequent study after the first degree is received. The requirements for earning additional degrees are as follows: 

Complete all requirements of each program of study, including general education requirements not in common with the additional program(s), and earn a minimum of fifteen (15) additional credits at LRCC, beyond those required for the first and subsequent degrees, excluding credit by examination, credit for experiential learning, college level examination program (CLEP), and transfer credit. Matriculated students, who want a credential less than a degree, while still pursuing the degree, can pursue the lesser credential as a second major.  The student does not have to withdraw from the degree and apply to the certificate.