Appeal of Academic Standing Decisions

Students must submit an appeal clearly defining the basis for the appeal to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs within seven (7) business days following the letter is sent.  The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will review the appeal and provide an email to the student of the outcome of the appeal.  

Student appealing their academic decision are referred to the Student Support Counselors (SSC) to make an appointment. 

The Support Counselors will: 

  • complete an appeal form and create an academic plan; 
  • send the request for an appeal to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. 

If the student is not satisfied with the results of the appeal, they have the option to appeal directly to the President of the College within five days of the outcome of the appeal.  The appeal to the President must be in writing and must clearly define the basis for appealing the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs decision.