Transferring to Lakes Region Community College

Any student requesting transfer to Lakes Region Community College should submit all documents listed for general admission, including an official transcript for any post-secondary institutions, and must meet the specific admission requirements for their desired program. Additional information that may be requested include course descriptions, syllabi, and course outlines.

Criteria required to be considered for transfer includes:

  • Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be considered for transfer. Transfer credit may be used to satisfy program degree requirements; however, grades associated with such credits will not be included in the determination of GPA.
  • Only courses required in a program to which a student has been matriculated will be considered for transfer. If a student switches to or adds an additional program for which credits may transfer, it is the student’s responsibility to request a re-evaluation of their transcript(s) to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Courses must be equivalent in content and credit hours to those required in the desired program. Exceptions are at the discretion of the department chair and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • Course credit may be granted to students with military training and experience as recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE). Students seeking credit for military experience must submit a copy of their military transcript to the Enrollment Services office.
  • Credit by exam, and pass/fail courses taken at other higher education institutions will not be considered for transfer credit unless approved by the Department Chair and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. LRCC will consider AP courses, CLEP exams and Sophi Learning, or other forms of challenge exams for transfer, but only at the discretion of the Department Chair and/or Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • Please refer to specific program pages in the academic catalog for additional transfer requirements and exceptions.


  • Accounting classes taken beyond five years will require approval from the Business Studies Department Chair.
  • Computer courses taken beyond five years will require approval from the department chair for Computer Information Systems.
  • Science courses taken over five years of time of admission for Nursing students will not be transferred, exceptions are at the discretion of the department chair.