Advanced Manufacturing
Degrees and Certificates
Advanced Manufacturing, Associate in Science -
Advanced Manufacturing, Certificate
MANF120L: Machine Tool Math
MANF131L: Blueprint Reading
Students will learn the fundamentals of blueprint reading including multi-view drawings and how to sketch one, threads, title blocks, ECOs, tolerance blocks, Rectangular and Geometric Tolerance. Students need a basic knowledge in drafting/design, machine processes and procedures.
MANF132L: Solid Modeling
This class will be using the solid modeling software, SOLIDWORKS. The class will focus on being certifiable for the SOLIDWORKS CSWA (Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate) test. The SOLIDWORKS Certification could make you a more proficient modeler or help you get a job in, for example, drafting/design, tool making, or CNC programming. The class will focus on building solid models (parts and assembly models) utilizing extruded, revolved, lofts and swept additive and subtractive features along with fillets chamfers, patterns and mirror features. Materials will be added to these models and Mass Properties will be explored. Models and drawings will be used using both ANSI and ISO standards. The course will be slightly fast paced to squeeze in all that is required for the certification. The class will be instructor lead along with working on your own.
MANF141L: Independent Study in Machine Processes
MANF142L: Machine Processes
This course will present the theory of machine processes through and lessons covering traditional, manually operated machine tools such as band saws, drill presses, milling machines and lathes. Topics covered are selecting the machine stock, proper squaring a block on a milling machine, basic layout, drilling, tapping reaming, countersinking, counter boring, chamfering, machine set-up, grooving, and threading. Also, students will learn about standard precision measuring tools such as but not limited to micrometers, dial calipers, and Vernier scales with an introduction to gauging, tolerance and dimensioning. Machine tool and shop safety will be covered throughout the course.
MANF145L: Manufacturing Processes
MANF151L: CNC Machines I
MANF152L: CNC Machines I Lab
MANF211L: CNC Machines II
In this course students will expand on knowledge from CNC Machines I as well as be introduced to Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). CNC Machines topics will include machine speeds and feeds, feed rate, and cycle time optimization. Students will also learn alternative drilling cycles, subprograms, cutter compensation, and scaling/mirroring. CNC Machine safety will be stressed throughout this course. Students will also be introduced to CAD/CAM with topics to include part geometry, CAM-Mill processes, contouring, cycle time estimation, tool selection, material selection, cutter compensation, parameter pages, contour applications, roughing, finishing and tool paths.
MANF212L: CNC Machines II Lab
In this course students will be immersed in CNC II using what they have learned to demonstrate safe machining practices while using the Renishaw tool offset probe to find work offsets, tool heights, digitizing, and inspection. Students will also be able to demonstrate the proper use of CAD/CAM to program and manufacture parts from CAD files, while following safe machining practices.